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Level Up 13: Are You Ready To Level Up With Me?

Writer's picture: Calie & NicCalie & Nic

It's not often that an opportunity like this comes along. The last time it happened was 4 years ago. Four years ago, I took a chance. Four years ago, I stepped way outside my comfort zone and made a commitment to regain my health and find my happy. On that journey, I found passion and purpose in supporting other women to do the same.

What started as 80 Days to become a better me, a better mom, a happier person...turned into a 4 year journey that grew a team, created financial freedom, gave me control of my time and schedule and helped me help other women to create their lives by design as the happiest, healthiest versions of themselves.

I wasn't sure anything could or would ever compare to what I (and those who chose to join me back then) experienced during that 80 Days and beyond. But here we are...this is that opportunity all over again!!!!

What is Level Up 13:

On the heels of several huge announcements that tell me there has literally never been a better time to jump into this journey, my team and I decided to create something epic to help all of us truly maximize the physical, mental, and professional opportunity that is sitting in front of us.

There are 3 Reasons I believe this statement is true and they are the components of the Level Up 13 Challenge.

Reason 1: The Launch of 645 with Amoila Cesar (July 6)

Amoila Cesar is back with a new program, coming Summer 2021! Famous for his upbeat and motivating personality, mindset messages and challenging workouts, he's also responsible for training several NBA players and many other professional athletes. His newest creation to train us from home is called 645. It's 6 days a week, 45 minutes a day, for 13 weeks and combines strength training, cardio, and mobility work using functional, powerful moves that will target your entire body, and still leave you feeling invigorated, energized, and ready for anything. This program incorporates a new fabric resistance loop set and weights and places a huge emphasis and form and functional movement to help us become the strongest, healthiest versions of ourselves.

Amoila will motivate you the same way he does some of the world’s best athletes to get your best workout, every day. Each session starts with a total-body warm-up that activates your muscles and readies them for the hard work to come. By focusing on your entire body, you’re setting yourself up to get the most out of every rep and every move. This groundbreaking program is broken into 4 stages — the first three are 4 weeks each, while the last one is week 13. If you ever find a workout too challenging, you can follow the modifications as you build up your fitness level. More than getting great results, Amoila's goal is to put you on a straight path to reaching your peak in 13 weeks without crawling across the finish line.

I know from experience that committing to a long-term program designed to help us reach our physical peak requires us to be mentally strong, focused, efficient, committed and that ends up translating to how we show up in other areas of our lives. When we went through 80 Day Obsession, the focus, the drive, the confidence, the energy, the passion, it spilled over into everything we did and it was contagious. Everyone wanted to feel how we felt. And that's why it ended up growing our businesses so naturally and authentically while also growing our strength and enhancing our health. I can see it...645 is going to deliver the same experience!

So, our Level Up 13 challenge will be 13 weeks and will coincide with 645. We will start July 6 and go through October 3. On this team, we always lead with our own health and self-care first. That will be accomplished through our participation in 645. "The goal is reaching your peak" through commitment that leads to greatness. After every workout, you should feel like you can take on anyone or anything. Watch this video and you will understand why I believe this program will be a game changer, not just in our physical transformations, but in our total life transformation! If you've ever thought about building a business as a health influencer, now is the time! This is the program. And this is just the beginning!

Reason 2: The Beta Launch of BODi on Nutrition+

Introducing Beachbody On Demand Interactive – the most exciting innovation in live-streaming fitness THAT BRINGS THE ENERGY OF THE GROUP EXERCISE EXPERIENCE TO YOUR HOME! Beachbody On Demand's brand-new premium-level service called BODi (pronounced “BODY”) is coming fall 2021. BUT, you can be part of the BETA testing this summer through our Nutrition+ membership.

BODi’s state-of-the-art streaming platform turns your living room into the world’s most exciting and interactive home gym with the best team of instructors in the business, anchored by Beachbody’s Super Trainers. As a BODi member, you’ll have access to hundreds of live and on-demand studio classes designed for every fitness level — cycling workouts, cardio/HIIT, strength training, barre, Pilates, yoga, and more. Each is individually designed, and is accompanied by original hit tracks from your favorite artists to keep you moving to the beat. In addition to live, interactive workouts with the best trainers in the world, there will also be live, interactive cooking session, meal prepping and more! This is a truly unique opportunity to level up your personal wellness and to feel connected and supported while doing it, from experts, and the community we are building together.

Imagine, your favorite nutrition instructor and/or chef live, on your computer, chatting with you as you prepare a healthy new recipe for your family, and your friends, neighbors, new online connections are there on your screen too, because you invited them, you inspired them...everyone actually enjoying the process of getting healthy together! This is the power of BODi. And you can be among the first to try it, use it and share it!

Check out this video to learn more and see an example of BODi in action. Experimenting with this exciting innovation this summer will be part of our Level UP 13 experience. We will take live classes together, experience new trainers, learn to cook new foods, and even meal prep together. team and I will teach you how to share all of these amazing experiences from 645 and BODi to inspire, motivate, support and invite others to join us on this amazing journey.

Reason 3: Level Up 13 with Team Hustle With Heart

As a two time Elite, 7 STAR Diamond coach, I've spent a lot of time figuring out what works in this business and how to share it authentically, effectively and consistently to generate success. We have a number of extremely successful coaches on our team including 2 Premier coaches, a 3 STAR coach, and 2-2 STAR coaches as well as many Diamonds and soon to be Diamonds. While you might not have any idea what those titles mean right now, it essentially means our team is changing lives, a lot of them! And we're having a lot of fun doing it.

In our Level Up 13 challenge, we will spend 13 weeks helping you build the foundation for a strong business that you enjoy working and building. What we do isn't easy, but it is simple. We will show you the simple strategies and daily non-negotiables that we execute every week that have led to building thriving teams.

The Level Up 13 challenge will include a weekly live business training with myself and top coaches from our team as well as some of the top teams in the network. Weekly business challenges to help you step outside your comfort zone and implement tactics that help you authentically engage, connect and support. These challenges will also help you set up your business foundation, including your social media profiles, email system, accountability groups for your customers, and more.

Once a week will gather online to take action together in what we call a power hour. This business doesn't require a huge time commitment day to day, but it does require intentional action. That's what our power hours are designed to teach you. How to effectively add value, support, engage and connect for success. We don't "hey girl" we don't send cold invites. We educate, we inspire, we share, we struggle, we uplift and we open our doors for others to join us on the journey to becoming our happiest, healthiest selves.

We will also host weekly sneak peeks into the coaching opportunity so you can start building your own team right out of the gate with the help of those who have a little more experience than you. AND we will provide editable slides designs for your to purchase at discounted prices to help you share your journey, invite to our accountability groups and 645, invite to the coaching opportunity and celebrate the customers and coaches you're helping to get started!

There are two paths to join us for the Level UP 13 Challenge: Runners (those who want to go all in and build a business that creates a part-time or full-time income.) Runners are willing to be challenged. They have a little more time to put into their business each day...2 or more hours...and are willing to work their business daily. They see it as a job, not a hobby, and understand it can be a lot of fun, extremely rewarding, and also a lot of hard work! For our runners, we will offer two New Coach Orientation calls the last two weeks of June. These calls will be designed to help you get a jump start on the challenge so you can sign up on July 6 with your first two VIP customers. This will make you and Emerald right out of the gate, which means you'll start this challenge with the full compensation plan open to you so you can experience more success over the 13 weeks. Don't worry....if you're jumping in as a runner, you'll get extra support from me and the team to make this happen!

Walkers: You are just as valued! But our walkers are looking for something that's more of a hobby, for fun and maybe earning a little extra income. You have an hour or less a day to work your business or maybe just want to work it on the weekends or even all in over the summer (teachers) then much less during the year. We will help you find a system that works for your time and goals.

Click here to apply for Level Up 13

REWARDS: Other than the personal rewards you'll receive in completing 645 and using BODi to enhance your health and nutrition AND the opportunity to build a strong, rewarding business foundation that offers purpose, passion, community and time and financial also have the opportunity to earn a place on our DIAMOND RETREAT IN San Diego Oct. 5-8, 2021.

Anyone who reaches the rank of DIAMOND (essentially helping 12 people get started the same way as you) by August 19 and holds it for 6 weeks will be invited to spend 3 days in this beautiful San Diego luxury home where we will swim, workout, eat, drink, relax, celebrate, laugh, dance and do a little business training and strategizing to keep this amazing momentum going.

If you're not ready to go all in on the business opportunity, but want to join us for Amoila's program, 645 starting July 19, click here to be added to my VIP early access list.


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