Magnesium deficiency is impacting how you feel every single day, especiall in perimenopause and menopause.
It's estimated that 80% of women are magnesium deficient for many reasons. One being the way our food is grown. The soil is depleted of nutrients so the food is more depleted of micronutrients like magnesium. People are consuming less of the foods rich in magnesium like leafy greens, beans and pumpkin & chia seeds. And, the big one, our bodies stress response depletes of of magnesium and most of us are living in a state of chronic stress. Even if it isn't "perceived negative" stress, we are so busy and our bodies are under constant stimulation along with the stress of lower nutrient diets, less sleep ad more toxins.
So if you're asking the question, could I use more magnesium, for most of us the answer is yes! We can't really test for magnesium with a blood test so the best way to determine if you need to be supplementing is to give it a try and see if your symptoms improve.
Some common symptoms of magnesium deficiency include:
thyroid issues
low vitamin D
high estrogen
adrenal issues
insulin sensitivity/resistance
Magnesium improves mental cognition and enhances sleep (two big challenges women face in perimenopause and menopause.)
It also calms the brain, stabilizes the HPA axis, helps to reverse and prevent insulin resistance/senstivity (a major contribtor to perimenopause and menopause weight gain), promotes metabolic flexibility, lowers cortisol (our stress hormone), reduces hot flashes, and it's one of the best supplemnets for migrain prevention.
A few more facts about magnesium:
In a paper called “Magnesium in the gynecological practice, researchers concluded that magnesium is an effective treatment for symptoms of menopause and perimenopause. It works primarily by normalizing the action of the different hormones on the central nervous system.
Magnesium soothes the nervous system and promotes sleep.
Magnesium is one of the best supplements for hormonal migraines in perimenopause. A 2016 meta-analysis found it shelters neurons from glutamate, a neurotransmitter found to play a major role in migraines. It also reduces inflammation and stabilizes serotonin receptors. + it inhibits the release of substance-P, a pain promoting neurotransmitter involved in migraines.
Magnesium builds bones.
Magnesium supports thyroid hormone
Magnesium promotes healthy estrogen metabolism
Magnesium helps to absorb & assimilate vitamin D
Magnesium fuels mitochondria
Magnesium lowers inflammation and slows aging
Magnesium reduces the risk of heart disease and insulin resistance, a major contributor to perimenopause weight gain
If you're looking for a good magnesium supplement, these are the 3 I use personally and frequently recommend to my private clients with a lot of success!
Hydrate + Detox - this is a combination of a daily dose of magnesium along with potassium and sodium which supports all of the above as well as adequate hydration and healthy bowel movements. This forumula also includes one of the most highly researched probiotic/prebiotic strains, DE111, that aids in improving gut health which enhances your magnesium absoroption from the supplement as well as from food as your digestion improves. AND it's formulated with Setria Glutathione, our master antioxidant, which helps reduce your toxic load, an important element of hormone health and the overall health of the liver and endocrine system. The magnesium in this formulation is magnesium citrate and it's perfect for daily use and best first thing in the morning. You can take an extra dose if you're sick, dehydrated, have been traveling or maybe if you've had some cocktails that night.
Evening Supplement - this supplement is meant to be taken before bed and includes 75mg of magnesium glycinate. This form is ideal for supporting sleep and the stress response. For many women, I find this is enough to improve their symptoms and support overall well-being, especially because it's paired with lemon balm, l-theanine and ashwaganda, herbs that support sleep and a healthy stress response. Some of my clients report that after trying it for 30-60 days and feeling minor improvement, but hoping for more, pairing it with the Hydrate + Detox above or adding
1 capsule of this Designs for Health pure magnesium glycinate got them where they wanted to be.
For the Hugh & Grace products, you can use my coupon code HELLO10 for a discount. To put it to use, it may request my advocate ID, which is A65478.
When you order through me, you will receive an email with access to addiotnal resources to support your efforts to create healthy hormones! Supplements are amazing resources, but they are supplemental :) There are some easy lifestyle shifts, blood sugar tips, nervous system regulation tools and more that can help turn the ship faster. If you do not receive a welcome email from me, please email me at so I can make sure you are properly supported and have all the resources available to you! I'm here to help.
Please remember that I share this as anecdotal, based on my personal experience and that of my clients. This is not medical advice and should not be treated as such. Always discuss your supplement decisions with your trusted practitioners and trust your own intuition.